Chroma Clay Studios: Brand Identity
Chroma Clay Studios is a brand that was founded by two girls who met in a college pottery class. Their department head tried to rope them into the atypical designs, but they were always drawn to something with a bit more je ne sais quoi than the other students. After graduation, they came together to create Chroma Clay Studios. The pottery studio started as a garage operation that has grown into a mid-size studio space over the last 3 years. They sell kitschy handmade pottery and wares that go beyond the typical dinner sets in favor of fun and colorful pieces. They sell everything from kitchenware to mugs and plant pots in their unique style, utilizing limited releases via social media.

For design direction, the brand wanted it to feel like a reflection of their works and approach with a fun and quirky aesthetic. They resonated with the naturalistic lines, upbeat feelings, and breaks in the expected within the words being separated. Design Keywords were atypical, colorful, and quirky to reflect on the style of pottery style and the idea of being outside of the ordinary that resonates with their journey.

Chroma Clay is a personal student project.
Think we're a good fit? Let’s work together!

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